Development Guide

This developers guide briefly goes through setting up the project. It is not intended as a full guide for development of this project. Most of the guidelines are copied from the developer’s guide of the iniabu project, which can be found here.


Full testing, linting, etc. is built-in using nox. To make it work, ensure that nox is installed by running:

pip install nox

Then you can invoke nox by simply calling it within the project folder via:


You can also set up your IDE to run any of the tests. Required dependencies if you prefer not testing with nox can be found in the requirements-dev.txt file.


Pre-commit will format code according to specs prior to committing it to GitHub. To install the pre-commit hooks, go to the code folder and run the following command (after installing pre-commit using pip or pipx):

$ pre-commit install

This will install the hooks that are defined in .pre-commit-config.yaml.

Test Coverage

Coveralls and pytest-cov is used to automatically determine the test coverage.


If you are using PyCharm, you should set up your testing environment such that it contains in the Additional Arguments section the flag --no-cov. Otherwise, coverage reporting in PyCharm will not work.


Code that contains the @njit or any numba JIT decorator is currently excluded from coverage using the # pragma: nocover. Make sure you include useful tests for these routines nevertheless! However, due to existing issues, these jited methods would not show up as covered.


This documentation is written in reText and automatically generated using sphinx. If you would like to run it locally, install the requirements-dev.txt packages. From within the docs folder, you can then generate the documentation via:

sphinx-build -b html docs docs/_build/html/

This creates the the html documentation in the docs/_build folder.