
Here we describe the most important variables that are available for the user. These variables can be retrieved by calling them, however, are also of intereste for macro developers.

Throughout this chapter, we will use crd as an instance of the CRDFileProcessor, see also rimseval.processor.CRDFileProcessor().


  • crd.crd: The CRDReader instance of the opened file.

  • crd.fname: File name of the opened CRD file.

Spectrum Data

  • The mass spectrum data for an opened file.

    This data must be a numpy.ndarray with the same length as crd.tof and crd.mass.

  • crd.mass: The mass axis of a given spectrum as a numpy.ndarray.

    This array is only available after mass calibration and must be of the same length as and crd.tof.

  • crd.nof_shots: An integer that contains the number of used shots in the spectrum.

    This variable is updated when shots are rejected.

  • crd.tof: Time of flight data of the spectrum.

    This data is only available after opening after crd.full_spectrum() was run. It is a numpy.ndarray and must be of the same length as and crd.mass.

Package Data

  • crd.data_pkg: A data array for each individual package.

    For a data length \(n\) and \(p\) packages, this numpy.ndarray is of size \(n \times p\).

  • crd.nof_shots_pkg: The number of shots in the package.

    The data are given as a numpy.ndarray of integers. It describes the number of shots in each individual package.


  • crd.integrals: Sum of counts for each defined integral.

    For each defined integral, this array will contain the sum of counts in the defined area and its uncertainty. \(m\) defined peaks, it will therefore be of size \(m \times 2\). The second entry of each integral is the uncertainty of the counts.

  • crd.integrals_delta: \(\delta\)-values for all integrals and uncertainties.

    The format is the same as for crd.integrals.

  • crd.integrals_pkg: Integral data for packages.

    For a total of \(p\) packages and \(m\) defined integrals, this numpy.ndarray will be of size \(p \times m \times 2\). As for the integrals, the sum of counts for each peak and its uncertainty are given.

  • crd.integrals_delta_pkg: \(\delta\)-values for all packages.

    The format is the same as for crd.integrals_pkg.

Single Shot Data

In order to avoid storing the whole spectrum for every shot, the data is ordered in two arrays with one helper array.

  • crd.all_tofs: Recorded time of arrival bins in the TDC.

    This numpy.ndarray contains all recorded time of flights in order of arrival. It is therefore of the same length as the total number of recorded ions. The time of flights are not stored in microseconds, but the TDC bin of arrival is stored as an integer.

  • crd.ions_per_shot: Number of ions recorded per shot.

    This numpy.ndarray is of length self.nof_shots and records for the number of ions that arrived in each shot as an integer. The sum of this array is the total number of ions that are in the spectrum.

  • crd.ions_to_tof_map: Mapper array to find arrival bins for each shot.

    This 2D numpy.ndarray contains one entry per shot and is therefore of the same length as crd.ions_per_shot. Each entry describes in which range of crd.all_tofs the arrival bins are stored. For example, if you want to retrieve the arrival bins of the ions of the 10th shot of your data set, you could acquire them by calling:

    tof_range = crd.ions_per_shot[9]  # the first shot is index 0
    arrival_bins = crd.all_tofs[tof_range[0]:tof_range[1]]