Macro Development

Here we describe how you can develop macros to run. In the GUI, the macros are run with the given interface. In the CRDFileProcessor, you can run your own macros using the run_macro routine: rimseval.processor.CRDFileProcessor.run_macro()

Templates for macros and example python files can be found on GitHub.

An overview of useful variables can be found in here.


A macro requires a specific structure. If you need to import packages, please follow best norms.


Do not import full packages into the namespace. This could yield to odd behavior down the line.

For example, if you want to use numpy functions, you should import is as:

import numpy as np

If you want to import other routines from rimseval, use absolute imports.

Your macro can have as many subroutines as you like. These will all be imported by the macro reader. You must have a routine called calc that runs your calculations. If you have more subroutines, these need to be called from within your main calculation function. The following template lines out the start of a macro. If you use an editor that supports type hints, autocompletion will work. Information on type hints can be found here. Note the usage of absolute imports to enable type hints.

from rimseval.processor import CRDFileProcessor

def calc(crd: CRDFileProcessor) -> None:
    """Macro template.

    :param crd: CRD file processor that will be passed to the macro.
    # your code goes here

Basic examples

Below are two examples that show you how to implement, e.g., how to filter on full data sets and how to filter packages.

Example: Filter maximum ions per shot

Here is a re-implementation of the rimseval.processor.CRDFileProcessor.filter_max_ions_per_shot() method in the form of a macro.

import numpy as np

from rimseval.processor import CRDFileProcessor

def calc(crd: CRDFileProcessor) -> None:
    """Macro to filter out all shots with more than 3 ions.

    :param crd: CRD file processor that will be passed to the macro.
    # maximum ions per shot to be filtered out
    max_ions = 3

    # create a numpy mask that selects the filters we want to filter
    shots_rejected = np.where(crd.ions_per_shot > max_ions)[0]

    # pass the rejected shots array to the routine that will filter everything

As discussed above, the macro must be in the given template form. We define here a shots_rejected array (a numpy.ndarray), which lists the shots that we want to reject. Finally, we pass the array of rejected shots to the in-built function that processes the shots further and handles everything down the line. This is the crd.apply_individual_shots_filter() routine. More detailed documentation on this routine can be found in rimseval.processor.CRDFileProcessor.apply_individual_shots_filter().

Example: Filter maximum ions per package

Here is a macro that re-implements the maximum number of ions per package filter. Details on the filter can be found in rimseval.processor.CRDFileProcessor.filter_max_ions_per_shot().

import numpy as np

from rimseval.processor import CRDFileProcessor

def calc(crd: CRDFileProcessor) -> None:
    """Macro to filter out all packages with more than 4 ions.

    Here we assume, that you have already created packages using the built-in function.
    Package data is therefore available.

    :param crd: CRD file processor that will be passed to the macro.
    # maximum ions per pkg to be filtered out
    max_ions = 4

    # calculate total ions in all the packages
    total_ions_per_pkg = np.sum(crd.data_pkg, axis=1)

    # find packages that need deletion
    pkg_to_delete = np.where(total_ions_per_pkg > max_ions)[0]

    # now delete the packages that are not needed
    crd.data_pkg = np.delete(crd.data_pkg, pkg_to_delete, axis=0)

    # update the number of shots per package array: delete entries of deleted packages
    crd.nof_shots_pkg = np.delete(crd.nof_shots_pkg, pkg_to_delete, axis=0)

    # finally, we need to update the ```` and ``crd.nof_shots`` entries = np.sum(crd.data_pkg, axis=0)
    crd.nof_shots = np.sum(crd.nof_shots_pkg)

First we calculate the sum of ions per package by summing over the crd.data_pkg array. Note that we need to specify the axis in this case since we want to sum over packages, not over the spectra. Using the numpy.where function, we then locate packages that meet the rejection criterion. The pkg_to_delete variable stores the index of the packages. Using numpy.delete, we then delete the rejectable packages from crd.data_pkg and crd.nof_shots_pkg. Finally, we need to update and crd.nof_shots such that the non-packaged data is updated as well.


Before the macro runs, data must have been packaged using the built-in method.